Request A Trial

Account Details

Enter in your name, agency/district name, and email address you'll use to login.

Additional users within your agency will need their email to be within the same email domain.

Plan Details

Review the plan details so you know what you'll be getting.

  • After requesting a trial, a member from the PayGrade team will review the request.
  • Once approved, you will have 7 days to login to claim the free trial.
  • The trial will then expire at the end of the next day after your first login.
Plan: Free Trial
Subscription Term: 1 day after first login
Auto-renewal: No
Users Included: 1 users
Total Cost: $0.00

Confirm Registration

Please review our Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy, Data Disclaimer, and About The Data documents.

Subscription Term: 1 day after first login
Total Cost: $0.00